Thursday, May 15, 2008

Back to Blogging

I'm back to blogging once again. It's not that I ever left, I just haven't been entirely present for...oh say 3 months now. So much has gone on in our lives over the last 3 months, I've barely had the time or space to wrap my brain around it all. But here we are on what I like to think of as the other side of that journey. We are now in our new home and expect to be completely unpacked and settled within the next month. At this point we are waiting for funds to be transferred (also known as our landlord getting paid); then we can expect the delivery of much needed office furniture, a dryer, a gym membership, and a few other little comforts. After months of existing in a static state of "transition", it feels really good to be settling in. I have checked a great deal of "to do's" off my list and am now able to get back into daily life.

Now for those of you who have read my previous entries- you may be wondering if we have fallen back into that all too easy place I have written about- complacency and taking life here for granted. I am pleased to announce that we have not allowed that to happen. Still immensely aware of the gift that this time is, I am attempting in as human and flawed a way as I am capable, to enjoy every moment of it.

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