Friday, August 1, 2008

It's 5:40 am and I am not going back to sleep. The question is- do I want to commit to being awake for 15-16 hours today, and will my body allow for that? I guess I will eventually find out. Strategic coffee drinking combined with sufficient sun exposure (no napping!)- always helps on the first day in a new time zone. Coffee- here I come.

I am excited to be back in Shanghai. I enjoyed my time back in the US, but being away from my home space, husband, and routine- was taking its toll. I was definitely ready to settle back in.

I have learned that these trips home to the US should not be viewed as any kind of vacation. It never feels much like one anyway. There is always so much to do, so many people to see, and only enough time in the day to accomplish things.

For those of you who did not know we were coming home over the summer- our apologies. We actually weren't coming home for social visits on this trip. We had a family wedding and Phil had work in Tennessee. I stuck around for an extra 10 days to stock up on much needed items for Shanghai- and some good quality family time. Our goal is to go back to the US in December so we can spend more time with family and friends then.

Looking forward to getting into the city next week...

1 comment:

Will said...

We were glad to see you - thank goodness we had an apt in Nashville when Phil was going there to train - coincidence???